24 September 2013

Water Water Everywhere

This weekend, I managed to walk 1.5 miles on Saturday and about 3 miles on Sunday.
My knees started hurting before I even finished Sunday, but I just figured I'd go home, put some ice on them, and carry on. Wrong answer.

I'm retaining water. This is also a new experience for me. A miserable new experience...
Everything aches. My knees, my ankles, my hands are all swollen and tight. I can't bend my knees past a 90 degree angle, and they're so stiff that I hobble instead of walk right now. My hands hurt if I try to make a fist.

My aunt is calling in a prescription for a mild diuretic. I would have my fingers crossed that it's all I need, but my fingers are too swollen to cross right now.

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