16 August 2014

Happy Anniversary, Cancer.

Today is the 1 year anniversary of my cancer diagnosis. It feels like it's been longer than a year, but whatever. I'm still here. I'm still going through treatment. I'm lucky enough not to require surgery (yet.)

My hair is growing back. The "new" natural color is very, very gray. I'd like to say "ash blonde," but who are we kidding? It's gray. And I've got a lovely white streak right in the front. For now, I'm keeping it. I was a "redhead" for years, and I just can't bring myself to switch back to that until I'm out of the Little Orphan Annie stage. It's just asking for trouble. So far, I've got about 2.5"-3", and it's still curly, so I've got a bit of a wait. I'll just have white girl 'fro for now. At least it's *my* hair. It's still way too hot to worry with wigs right now. SC summer heat + humidity + hot flashes don't mix well with wigs. I'll probably play with my wigs more when it gets cooler. In the meantime, I'm waiting to try some interesting hair colors. I won't get this chance again, hopefully.

I'm still carrying around about 30 extra pounds from chemo/steroids/eating like a toddler for 4 months. It's frustrating. I can't run. I can't do a full push up. I can't walk more than 2 miles without craving a nap.

I'm calling my fatigue the "new normal" for me. For now.
I'm trying to embrace my hair. For now.
I'm just trying to be thankful.