31 October 2013

Mid Treatment, Nadir Blood Work!!

This week has been another rough week.
My vision, especially night vision, has been so foggy that watching TV is a chore, and driving is pretty much off the list. This symptom started from the first chemo, lasts about 5 days, and then fades, but as my treatments progress, I've noticed that this symptom (and others) are getting more pronounced, last a little longer and are just a little harder to deal with. Such is the nature of chemo, I keep reminding myself. "I'm halfway there" is my new mantra.

26 October 2013

Happy Birthday, Lola!! Love, Chemo.

Thursday, I had chemo. I'm officially halfway through my 6 rounds, which means (for the math deficient people) I've only got 3 more rounds to go. My last round of chemo will be a belated Christmas present, much like this one was a belated birthday present.

12 October 2013

Bring the Pain

I used to think I had a pretty high pain tolerance. I don't like taking pain medications, and most of the pain meds the doc gave me for my port surgery haven't been used. I took them for a day or so, when I was sore and for the anti-inflammatory effects. Once I realized that the full pills made me feel like I was drooling and my IQ had dipped into double digits, I cut them in half. I might have taken 3 full pills -- the rest were halved and staggered. I figure I can't function in pain, but I certainly don't look confident with a glazed look in my eyes.

More Chemo Aftermath

It turns out that the aftermath of Chemo 2: Electric Boogaloo was pretty widespread across this whole week.

I had a really rough week.

06 October 2013

Thank You, and Yes, I Know I Should Be Sleeping Right Now....

Obviously, there are many things about cancer, chemo, and just being sick, that just absolutely suck. I know it, you know it, and I'd like to say that "we're all in this together" but we all know that's not absolutely true either. Granted, you all are praying/sending good vibes my way, and it's wonderful to know that I have so many people who think about me every day, and just want to know I'm doing OK.

04 October 2013

Chemo, Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

Yesterday's chemo infusion went off without a hitch. I worked on some crochet stuff, and the last 45 minutes or so, took a drool-worthy, snore-inducing nap. It was wonderfully restful for me, but I'm not so sure how the other cancer patients felt about it.
I slept quite a bit once I got home, after Mom and I ran a few errands. Then, my sweet JBB arrived with peanut butter brownies, loaded with peanut butter chips, mini-Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, and peanut butter drizzle. Those things won't see the light of day tomorrow. I promise you.