27 September 2013

Sabbatical for Chef Lola

This week has been a long one. I haven't really done anything, and I'm pretty exhausted. The irony is that I've been waking up every hour, on the hour, every night this week. Waking up frequently isn't really new for me. Ever since I was a little girl, my sleep has been mediocre at best. It's a rare thing for me to sleep through the night, and honestly, I can't remember the last time I did.
Nevertheless, here I am... at midnight... writing.

So far this week, I've managed to work every day. I cooked dinner every night this week.
(Granted, I made sandwiches one night and basically re-heated something from the freezer tonight, but I'm counting it. I have high hopes for a gigantic pot of marinara sauce tomorrow night, which I will transform into myriad dinners through the first part of next week.)
But once dinner was cooked, and I finally got to sit down to eat, I've been ready to go to sleep.

I've got one week before I have chemo again. It's possible that this is my new baseline, and I'm OK with that, really.  It's also possible (or more likely) that I'll be even more tired for the next round. It also means that I need to be a bit more organized and efficient with planning my meals.
Luckily, everything tastes funky right now, so I'm not interested in cooking elaborate things for dinner.

I have several days next week covered with my marinara, but I'm looking for different "cook once, eat several times" types of dishes to make over the next few months. I need extra protein. Sadly, I can't tolerate anything remotely spicy right now either.

Any ideas, readers???

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