28 November 2014

I'm Thankful, Really.

It's Thanksgiving/Black Friday, and that means certain family "traditions" - traditions I really look forward to. I don't really care too much about the normal Thanksgiving dinner. I look forward to the leftover turkey (smoked) transforming into turkey stew.
If you're not from the tiny town/area that I grew up in, you don't know nothing 'bout no turkey stew. And that's ok. It's weird, and I love it. The closest thing I can think of to describe it is hash from a southern barbecue spot. Mustardy, spicy, tangy, and full of turkey & potatoes.
We always make a big batch with all the leftover turkey. I think I still have some in my freezer from the last time Mom & my brother smoked a turkey. I am hanging on to it, because once it's gone, I don't know when I will get more. (Or I'll just have to make it myself...)

Another tradition I love: The Annual Black Friday Hike. I worked retail far too long to get a thrill from shopping at godawful hours of the morning, the fighting (I've seen a grown woman knock a little old man over onto a tile floor to get to a DVD player. How ridiculous!,) the bad attitudes. I am just not interested. So, my mom, sister, mom's best friend and I go hike on Black Friday. We've done several long hikes, before I got sick, but the last 2 years, we've gone to a park nearby & walked around for about 2.5 miles. It really felt good to get out and move. I've missed it, and can't wait until I feel like I can exercise on a regular basis without feeling like I'm busted for days afterward.

So far, I'd call this Thanksgiving close to perfect.

10 November 2014

Deja Vu All Over Again....

Today marks Radiation Treatment # 13. After today, I'll just have 2 more treatments to go. Today is also the day I broke down and shaved my head again. I was hoping to hang on to most of my hair this time, but unfortunately, radiation won. My hair started falling out on Wednesday last week, and never stopped or slowed down, really. When I showered, clumps, handfuls, would fall out and cling to me. When I rested my head on something, invariably, hair would stick to pillows, headwraps, scarves, blankets. My scalp is also so tender that even resting my head on a pillow, or something "soft," hurt so much.

The one silver lining - the very sweet lady who shaved my hair this morning. She was super gentle with the clippers, she gave me a temporary mohawk just for laughs, and she rinsed my head with warm water for me when she was done. I was really upset to have to shave my head AGAIN, but she really did make it as fun/silly as she could have.

I've been working through the radiation treatments, and while many of the really annoying symptoms (dizziness, blurry vision) went away after the first few sessions, the fatigue was just beginning. I am really tired, all the time now. Even more than before, I think. I sleep when I am not at work, at appointments. If I am fortunate to complete a task, like baking a cake last week, I almost immediately need a nap. I slept most of this weekend.
Luckily, I have today off work. I *would* have tomorrow off, as well, but since we're having our Thanksgiving at work, and I am on the committee (perfect timing, right?) I *have* to be there tomorrow. I'm trying to rest as much as possible today, so that I can at least fake a decent mood tomorrow... and through the rest of the week.
Wish me luck.