27 December 2014

Christmas Daze

Christmas this year didn't feel like a hectic time for me, until it was all over. I slept all day today, which surprised me a great deal.

I went to my parents' house mid-afternoon on Christmas Eve. We have a big Christmas Eve dinner: beef tenderloin, sherry cream mushrooms, mashed potatoes, horseradish sauce, roasted veggies, and crêpes for dessert. It's always the same menu, and I look forward to it all year long. This year, though, my appetite just wasn't cooperating with me. I blame the radiation. I ate what I could, but it wasn't enough. I guess once I'm back to "normal," I'll just have to recreate this meal for myself.

Christmas Day was the usual: Breakfast at home, lunch at an aunt's house, visit Grandmama at her assisted living facility, presents, etc.

Like I said, it didn't feel hectic at the time, but now that I laid it out, it's no wonder that I went to bed when I got home yesterday and then slept off and on all day.

Luckily, it's another short week next week, so maybe I won't feel so exhausted. I've still got some fatigue from the radiation, and my appetite is just not great lately.

But I manage somehow to power through...