30 October 2015

Deja Vu

The past few months have lulled me into a false sense of security. I was finally starting to feel "better" and closer to "normal." I was juggling infusions/injections/doctor visits/scans/work pretty well, going to work early to try to mitigate all the time off I needed for treatments, working overtime when it was available.

Then today happened. It was not a good day. Just like last year, around this time, I had a brain MRI. It was unexpectedly not what we hoped for. So, at my follow up visit to the radiation oncologist, I had another mask made in preparation for 10 rounds of radiation, starting Monday. Once again, I'll be sick for the holidays.
What is this bullshit?
I think my body is conspiring against me to forever ruin the holidays. I was just getting out of the "retail funk," having worked too many Black Fridays, Christmas seasons. It was just starting to be fun again.

Y'all, say some prayers, send some good vibes my way, keep me in your thoughts, whatever it is that everyone does. It's going to be another go-round...

25 October 2015

Happy Birthday to ME!

I made it to my 39th birthday.

I ate German food on Friday, which is what I ask for pretty much every birthday now.
A friend of mine made dinner (pasta carbonara.)
Another friend made a "Granny Cake" for me (yellow cake, layered with chocolate frosting.)
Some other friends met me out for karaoke & followed us to another bar for some games of pool.
And I ended up having a great time... So great, that I am totally paying for it today.

And I am totally ok with that.