06 October 2013

Thank You, and Yes, I Know I Should Be Sleeping Right Now....

Obviously, there are many things about cancer, chemo, and just being sick, that just absolutely suck. I know it, you know it, and I'd like to say that "we're all in this together" but we all know that's not absolutely true either. Granted, you all are praying/sending good vibes my way, and it's wonderful to know that I have so many people who think about me every day, and just want to know I'm doing OK.

I am.

I'm doing what I can, and resting when I need to, and filling in life where I have the space.
I'm learning my very own limits in some pretty strange ways, and sometimes learning those limits in very difficult, abrupt ways. 

This weekend, which was aftermath of Chemo, Part 2: Electric Boogaloo, I still felt well enough to get out and see some people, and run some errands, and I even did chores <gasp!> today. I washed laundry, put away dishes, and half-way cleaned my room. It took me all day to do these things, what with resting every half hour or so, but it was only moderately slower than my pre-cancer/chemo ADD-addled brain would have handled it. I also wrote some Thank You notes, but I'm waiting for addresses for delivery... 

I'm off work again tomorrow, and I will make a huge effort to rest, relax, sleep, and recharge for this next week. I admit, I didn't do so well with the resting  this weekend, and I partially blame the steroids my oncologist has me pre-chemo infusions. I got some pretty awful side effects after last chemo, so I was told to take them for a few extra days this time. The insomnia is amazing/awful. I'm tired, but I'm awake. I want to close my eyes and drift off to sleep, but my mind is going a million miles an hour. I am jittery, so I've been taking a little advantage of it by getting something productive done....like fold the load of laundry that just finished drying.

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