04 October 2013

Chemo, Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

Yesterday's chemo infusion went off without a hitch. I worked on some crochet stuff, and the last 45 minutes or so, took a drool-worthy, snore-inducing nap. It was wonderfully restful for me, but I'm not so sure how the other cancer patients felt about it.
I slept quite a bit once I got home, after Mom and I ran a few errands. Then, my sweet JBB arrived with peanut butter brownies, loaded with peanut butter chips, mini-Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, and peanut butter drizzle. Those things won't see the light of day tomorrow. I promise you.

I slept most of the  morning today. I woke up around 10am, and managed to fit in a shower and another nap before MJ and K came to get me for lunch. I felt pretty good after eating a proper meal (instead of eating the rest of those brownies,) so I ran a few errands. I picked up some new wigs (for all my Ingress peeps, YES! I finally found a green one!)
I got this one too. Because I just *had* to. I mean, it's pastel & multi-colored, and awesome!!!

I picked up a birthday present for MJ's brother. I got some disposable makeup applicators, since I'm not allowed to reuse stuff until a few months after my final chemo treatment. Something about low-immune system and infections in my eyes and on my face.... Ain't nobody got time for that shit, and I love my make up...

Tomorrow's going to be a long day, so I'm going to take it easy tonight. One of the local Ingress dudes, G, is coming over for some movies tonight. He's going to drink until he's ready to sleep and I'm going to watch movies and crochet until I pass out. Sounds like a relaxing night, right??
I had planned to walk at the breast cancer Walk for Life tomorrow, but MJ put the kibosh on that. I am going to make an appearance, complete with funky wig & a breast cancer shirt, I'm sure. She's promised a fancy coffee at Drip downtown. Then, we have a birthday late-lunch for her brother. Then the football game later that evening. I'm sure I won't make it all the way through the game, but I'll give it a try.

And I'll update later when I'm not running amok.


  1. CJ & Mer request a pic with your freakishly realistic wig, because he and I cannot do it justice trying to explain to her with just words. Also? You look amazing.

    1. I'll get right on that pic. =)
      I've found that I can be downright incognito lately, though, when I'm *not* wearing that one...

  2. Hey now, that is damn sexy! I love it.

    1. Thanks! I adore that wig, but that pic is a bit washed out.
