12 October 2013

More Chemo Aftermath

It turns out that the aftermath of Chemo 2: Electric Boogaloo was pretty widespread across this whole week.

I had a really rough week.

I stayed home Tuesday, even though I was scheduled to go back to work that day. I had the awful flu-like symptoms that were expected Sunday-Monday, but those symptoms laid in wait until after I quit taking the steroids. I figured that would happen, but I didn't expect to be so run down. Along with flu-like symptoms, I get to enjoy the wonders of retaining so much water that I have cankles & my knees swell so much that I can't bend them past 90 degrees, and then there's the HOT FLASHES!!!!
I'll definitely tell you all about them, but it'll have to be later.

We also got the house sprayed for bugs on Tuesday, so I used  the last of the steroid-energy to clean out the bathroom like the exterminator requested. MJ cleaned out the kitchen. I threw out so many old toiletry items, and donated my very awesome hair products to a friend with multi-racial kids. I'm looking forward to having my own hair back, but I wasn't interested in staring at half empty tubs of Curly Buttercreme & Curly Pudding (and wishing my wigs could smell as good) for the next few months. When I finally get my curls back (or rather, just hair, at this point,) I'll definitely restock. I'm just glad that I was able to give all the stuff to a family that hopefully will love all of it as much as I do.

After the exterminator came to eradicate my house of critters, I felt like I had enough energy to take the car to the dealership to have a random error checked out. Thankfully, the car checked perfectly fine, but after 2 hours of sitting in a strange place, I was officially wiped out. I had to stop at a store to get a snack just for the energy to drive home. Lack of energy is the thing that frustrates me the most about this whole cancer/chemo thing. I know I've said it before, and I'll probably say it again and again and again...

To be continued....

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