28 August 2013

Filling in the ________

I re-read yesterday's post. Yesterday's events all seems rather foggy now, so I'm glad I wrote it last night. 


I'm in a haze of pain killers, which really aren't killing the pain as much as just tempering it a bit. I'm ridiculously sore. The incisions on my chest and in my armpit are tender, and look like I've been toyed with by a very selective fetishist. I don't have any stitches, because my surgeon super-glued the incisions closed with DermaBond and covered the sites with a liquid bandage. They're all shiny, a little swollen, pink, and "new" looking. Also, I "found" 2 electrode stickers on my body from the surgery last night. Yes, it's a little disconcerting, but let's all cross our fingers that those were the only items "forgotten" from my surgery yesterday. 

I tried to read a book, but I can't remember what I read on the previous page, so I go back to skim and by the time I turn the page again.... well, you know. The vicious circle continues.

I spent most of my day yesterday either lying down and/or unconscious. I went to bed at 9am and slept until the pain woke me (at about 3am,) took another pain pill and went back to bed. I woke up this morning and went to work with MJ because I'm required to be supervised until this afternoon. The clothes I chose this morning are very comfortable. I chose these clothes because they won't touch my surgical incisions, but they do expose the incisions on my chest where the port-a-cath is. I hope I don't react in my normal feisty manner if someone comments. I also hope that my response is not so blasé that people don't think I'm serious. (True story: I told someone I had cancer this weekend and another acquaintance overheard and called me out for not being sufficiently emotional. This acquaintance is also an emotional robot, and at the time, I didn't think anything of it... but now, I just think he sounded skeptical. Still, it was a bit of a dick move for him to say anything, because I don't "know" him like that...)

On a happy note, a friend just delivered this:
I've been craving fruit for the past couple of days, so I made sure to take this picture before I absolutely ruined it.

The best part, though? The card:
They really "get" me.

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