20 October 2014

Early Birthday Presents

No, not really.

For a few weeks, I've had some balance issues and some vision problems. My vision problems, we explained away with the excuses that I had not seen my eye doctor in over a year. The balance issues were so infrequent that I never remembered to mention it to anyone.
Then, we noticed that one eye was a little "droopy," especially when I got tired. So, M went with me to my last infusion, which was 10/17. And she made sure to mention my "droopy" eye. Sharon, my infusion nurse, promptly called my aunt, and we went across the hall to see her. She and my doctor did a couple of little tests to see if my body favored either side, which it did not. It turns out that the right side of my face is paralyzed, and is "textbook" Bell's Palsy. My doctor even said, "Yep. Textbook."

They sent me off to have an MRI of my head, just to be sure and to "rule out" other factors.

Except, it didn't rule out anything. The MRI shows a couple of small tumors, which means my alien invaders aren't quite ready to give up the ghost yet...

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