28 November 2014

I'm Thankful, Really.

It's Thanksgiving/Black Friday, and that means certain family "traditions" - traditions I really look forward to. I don't really care too much about the normal Thanksgiving dinner. I look forward to the leftover turkey (smoked) transforming into turkey stew.
If you're not from the tiny town/area that I grew up in, you don't know nothing 'bout no turkey stew. And that's ok. It's weird, and I love it. The closest thing I can think of to describe it is hash from a southern barbecue spot. Mustardy, spicy, tangy, and full of turkey & potatoes.
We always make a big batch with all the leftover turkey. I think I still have some in my freezer from the last time Mom & my brother smoked a turkey. I am hanging on to it, because once it's gone, I don't know when I will get more. (Or I'll just have to make it myself...)

Another tradition I love: The Annual Black Friday Hike. I worked retail far too long to get a thrill from shopping at godawful hours of the morning, the fighting (I've seen a grown woman knock a little old man over onto a tile floor to get to a DVD player. How ridiculous!,) the bad attitudes. I am just not interested. So, my mom, sister, mom's best friend and I go hike on Black Friday. We've done several long hikes, before I got sick, but the last 2 years, we've gone to a park nearby & walked around for about 2.5 miles. It really felt good to get out and move. I've missed it, and can't wait until I feel like I can exercise on a regular basis without feeling like I'm busted for days afterward.

So far, I'd call this Thanksgiving close to perfect.

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