13 March 2015


I had another full body scan a few weeks ago. Everything looks nice, as in, very little cancer activity and shrinking brain tumors. Once again, no new activity.

So, now, I'm on a "maintenance" plan, which basically means that I'm on the same schedule I've been on since January 2014. Infusions every 3 weeks (Perjeta & Herceptin) and injections every 4 weeks (Lupron & Xgeva.)

Today, everything lined up, so I had infusion and injections on the same day. There are very few side effects with these drugs, but I do notice that I am a little more achy, a little more tired, for a few days after treatment.

Over all, I'm feeling better than I was a month or so ago. My appetite is still not great, and I don't really eat much. But maybe that's a good thing, since I have about 40 pounds of steroid weight to lose...

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