09 January 2015


So, guess who got sick right after New Year's *again* this year?? That's right. This girl. Again.
And I was out of work for almost another full week. I was at least a little smart, and texted my Aunt to let her know on day 1 (Saturday, 3 Jan) that I wasn't well. Basically, all the things which were "going around" in the past couple of weeks?? I got it. Sore throat, sinus congestion, every gastrointestinal issue you can think of (use your imagination, I won't elaborate...) She promptly called in a Rx for antibiotics for me. 

Mom came the next day and drove me to the pharmacy to pick it up, because I was just too wiped out to do it myself. Can you believe it??!!?? I *actually* asked for help. 
We picked up some meal-replacement shakes, since I was having trouble (still am, sadly) keeping solid food down. 
Mom took me to Panera to get some soup, while we were out. I'm happy to say, that soup was acceptable, and I managed to keep it down too. Unfortunately, since then, I've mainly subsisted on Boost, Gatorade, and amoxicillin. 

Today, I'm feeling about 85% better. I'm still fighting solid foods, but after talking to my mom last night, it might just be side effects from the antibiotic. Tomorrow is the last day for those, so we'll see how I feel on Sunday!

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