11 April 2014

A Pattern of Neglect

I'm still here.

I'm officially finished with chemo "proper," and now, I just get some easy-peasy infusions every three weeks. Herceptin & Perjeta are so much easier to tolerate when not combined with Taxotere. I don't get sick, really. I basically just get really tired for a few days after the infusions, and spend the weekend sleeping and snacking. Yes, my appetite is still going strong. I can trust it to wake me every 3 hours or so to eat something.
By the way, I am still carrying around the extra 30 pounds that steroids gave me during chemo. I always trust my luck... Of course, I would be the person to *gain* weight during chemo, instead of losing it. I'm also being stubborn and not buying new clothes, in the hope that that extra weight is just making a pit stop.

My scans still look good. My lymph nodes are now cancer-free. My bones are still healing. My tumor is still fading away. My doctors and I still haven't figured out what we're going to do about surgery, though, because my tumor is not "melting away" in one spot; it's kind of "melting away" like an ice cube... so it's still spread about, but smaller. We're all hoping that the Herceptin and Perjeta will work magic and smother it enough so that I'm only looking at a lumpectomy.

Worst case? Mastectomy. For obvious reasons, I'd rather have the lumpectomy. (I am pretty vain, and I like my boobs - both of them.) But, I'm working myself up to resigning to the mastectomy if that's what I need. Better out than in, for sure. Besides, "they" make really great fake breasts nowadays!

Bottom line: I'm waiting for July's mammogram to find out what the verdict is.

Meanwhile, I'm still doing all the things I have energy for...

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